• Goal-Setting and Success: The BIG Picture

    Thursday, March 6th, 2025

    by Michelle Cederberg, Health and Productivity Expert

    As a motivational speaker, author and life coach I’m always looking for unique and interesting ways to share my messages of health, happiness and success. I’ll often share on this blog via the written word around various health topics that are important to me. Hopefully the information is helpful to you as well. If you haven’t already, check out my articles on 10 Tips for Managing Stress in Small Steps, as well as 3 Vital Health Practices to Energize Your Life and 8 Weeks to More Energy.

    Starting with this post, however, we’re going beyond the written word and having some fun with success and goal setting. Since I’m not shy about ‘putting myself out there’, one of my favorite methods of mass communication is through video.

    I’m lucky that my husband is a wonderful photographer and videographer because I have a live-in producer, director and editor (Check out his work at www.ewannicholson.ca). In January of this year he and I were talking about what my next series of Energy TV videos might be. It was the new year so I hooked on to the idea of creating success in the year ahead, and looking beyond mere new year’s resolutions to do it.

    In my book Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life, I share ways to gain better health, happiness and personal energy through small, daily steps. It’s part of my philosophy and I believe that a ‘small steps approach’ can be a great way to conquer any big goal.

    The series is called ‘DREAM BIG, think small’ and brings you a new video every month to guide you on your path to greater health, happiness and success – this year and beyond.

    You’re probably thinking, But we’re way past January? You’re too late! Well, you don’t have to wait until next January to begin on your path to setting and achieving your goals. You can start right now with video #1 and watch each new episode right here as they’re posted.

    People rarely get excited about goal-setting and there are a lot of good reasons why that is the case. I still think it’s important to DREAM BIG and go after the BIG GOALS … I just think you’ll have better success if you think small with implementation. So here we go; goal-setting and success in small steps.

    Dream BIG, Think Small – Part One: The BIG Picture

    Lao-Tzu said, “The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins With a Single Step.”

    lao-tzu-journey-of-a-thousand-milesIt’s a simple concept that encourages us to dream big, to set audacious goals.

    But it also reminds us to step beyond the mere setting of the goals and into achieving them. Dream BIG for sure, my friend – but think SMALL.

    Goal-setting can be overwhelming because we go too big with our thoughts, and we stop there.

    But what if you could break them all down? That’s what my series of videos coming up is going to help you to do.

    Yes, sometimes it might be hard work, but sometimes the hard work is also the most rewarding:

    January is a popular time for goal-setting, isn’t it? So, what do you want for yourself? I mean, really want for yourself?

    And I’m not talking resolutions here. I’m not talking about setting a goal and plugging along and finishing it in a tight little package by December 31st.

    Who does that work for, anyway? After all, research shows that 88% of New Year Resolutions are unsuccessful.

    Instead, I’m thinking big picture, BIG PICTURE! Something that’s going to take you more than a year to achieve, maybe (or maybe not!).

    We’re going to break it down. By breaking down big resolutions into small daily habits success increases by 50%.

    So stay tuned for upcoming episodes of “Dream BIG, Think Small,” where I’m going to show you how to to set your goals and step into action to make things happen in a bigger way.

    Until next time, do this: Think about what you want for yourself, this year and beyond. It’s gonna be a good one, and I’m gonna be with you every step of the way.

    Stay tuned for Part Two of my series, “Dream BIG, Think Small.”

    See you soon!

    (published May 13, 2013)

    michelle cederberg motivational speakerMichelle Cederberg is a Certified Speaking Professional, Co-Active Life Coach, Health Expert and Author. With a Masters in Kinesiology, a BA in Psychology, and a specialization in Health and Exercise Psychology, Michelle combines mind, body, and practicality to inspire change! She speaks with humour and passion, and encourages her audiences to put their own health and well being back on their priority lists with a small steps approach that leaves them believing they can. The author of Energy Now! Small Steps to an Energetic Life, is also a bit of a video girl, regularly posting helpful (and at times hilariously funny) videos on her Energy TV channel. Learn more at www.worklifeenergy.com.