• Finishing Touches: Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss

    Thursday, March 27th, 2025

    by Dr. Jason Hall, Plastic Surgeon

    losing-weight-feels-greatLosing weight is exciting! You feel like you’ve conquered the world and can do anything.

    With the weight gone, your diet and exercise habits changed, and your mental outlook completely different than it was before your surgery, it’s time to take the final step towards completing your weight-loss journey.

    For most people who have had weight-loss surgery, their mind is ready to finish the transformation well before their body is.

    Plastic surgery after losing massive amounts of weight is no small feat. Together, we are completely re-building large portions of your body.

    To do that, we have to have the right tools. I liken this process to building a house; you must have a sturdy foundation before putting the walls up, and certainly before choosing windows, curtains, and light fixtures.

    Keeping with this analogy, nutrition – specifically protein and various vitamins and minerals – are the bricks and mortar of building a strong body. You want the best supplies stocked before you can start building.

    Sure, you can build a house out of mud and sticks, but it will not stand up in a storm, and it certainly won’t be featured in Southern Living.

    Without proper nutrition, the results of plastic surgery will not be what they should be, and the chances of having problems with healing are inevitable.

    Are You Ready for Plastic Surgery after Weight Loss?

    To help you achieve the best results possible, there are a few guidelines that I use to determine whether you’re ready for surgery:

    1. You have maintained a stable weight for approximately 6 months (for most people, this is usually 18 months after your weight-loss surgery).
    2. Your nutrition has been optimized (blood tests will let you and I know where you stand).
    3. You don’t smoke.

    I’m flexible with the first guideline – a fluctuation of around 10 pounds is understandable – but the other two are firm rules.

    If you have poor nutrition or you smoke, we have to regroup and tackle those problems before moving forward.

    I congratulate you wherever you are in your weight-loss journey. If I can help in any way, please call or contact me through my website – www.drjasonhall.com. I look forward to working with you to help complete what you started!

    (published July 31, 2012)

    dr-jason-hall-plastic-surgeon-houstonJason J. Hall, M.D. is a double board-certified plastic surgeon based in Houston. He first trained in general surgery at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, where he gained extensive experience in both open and laparoscopic bariatric surgery. Dr. Hall then completed a plastic surgery residency at the Texas Medical Center, followed by additional fellowship training at Stanford University Medical Center. Having seen and experienced the hard work that goes into your weight loss journey, he has a keen interest in helping you take those final steps toward your goals.