• Diet Success? The Chinese Belly Button Challenge!

    Thursday, March 6th, 2025

    by Debbie Peters, Diet Counselor

    A new weight loss challenge involving a simple test to prove how good your figure really is the latest internet diet trend in China. Chinese female celebrities have joined the unusual Internet contest to determine if their body shape passes the test.

    Chinese celebrities like Yang Mi, Jenny Zhang, Xu Fei and others are joining in the amusing challenge to show the world that they all have attractive bodies and slim waistlines.jenny-zhang-belly-button-challenge

    To pass the belly button test, the stars have to be able to wrap their arm around their waist and touch their belly button on the other side. If they succeed in doing so, their bodies are considered to be fit and slim.

    The Chinese stars are doing this quick weight loss test in public places such as restaurants or in parks, and also sharing cellphone photos of their slim bellies taken in their own homes.

    Men Can Also Take the Belly Button Challenge

    Some men are also attempting the challenge and have posted their funny photos on social media sites.

    The belly button challenge has led to tens of thousands of people posting selfies proving that they can touch their belly button by reaching around their backs.

    Since June 10th, the Chinese Belly Button Challenge has become the number one trending topic on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter.

    The challenge involves attempting to touch your belly button by reaching behind back. If you can complete the challenge, it proves you have a good body, otherwise you need to lose weight.

    What Diet Experts Say About the Belly Button Challenge

    Experts say that the challenge does not necessarily mean that you have a lean body, but rather that you have long arms or are very flexible. As a matter of fact, one very fit personal trainer claimed he could not pass the belly button challenge.

    Some people believe there is no real relationship between the challenge and whether your body is slim and healthy. Skeptics say that the key to passing the belly button challenge is to be thin, to have long arms, and be flexible.chinese-belly-button-weight-loss-challenge

    Apart from doing stretching exercises regularly those who can successfully do this challenge are people who are very slim with very small waists.

    Diet counselors say that he best thing to do to maintain a healthy figure and stay slim is to exercise regularly.

    The belly button challenge is the number one topic on Weibo, the Chinese version on Twitter. While not everyone could complete this diet and weight loss challenge, one fitness instructor recommends doing regular stretching exercises to increase your chances of success.

    (published June 11, 2015)