• Successful Breast Augmentation: Before and After

    Wednesday, March 19th, 2025

    by Dr. Kevin Williams

    Are you considering breast enlargement but still unsure about going ahead with it? Women have a variety of reasons for undergoing breast augmentation surgery. For example, many women have sagging breasts due to breastfeeding during pregnancy. Others may simply want their body to be more proportioned so that they can look better in the clothes they wear.

    breast-augmentationSome women feel their breasts are too small and simply want them to be bigger. And of course, the ravages of time and aging certainly take their toll on the firmness of the body overall. Whatever the reason, breast enhancement can often make a woman feel young and attractive again.

    What is Breast Augmentation?

    Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed by a professional doctor. Breast implants are used to increase the size of the breasts or to restore breast volume which has been lost after pregnancy or substantial weight loss.

    The first step in deciding whether or not breast implants are a good idea is to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. During this initial meeting, the doctor will explain to you the risks and rewards of the surgery and whether or not you are a good candidate for breast augmentation.

    You will also learn about the different kinds of breast implants, and how your choices will affect the final outcome. You will be able to explain to the doctor what kind of result you are hoping for, and also assess whether or not you feel comfortable working with this particular cosmetic surgeon.

    Breast Implant Placement

    Breast implants can be placed either under or over the chest muscle. Depending on your particular physical characteristics, the surgeon will choose the placement best for you. Most surgeons recommend that implants be placed under the muscle.

    breast-implant-placementIf a woman has enough breast tissue to cover the size of the implant, then placement over the muscle will provide a very natural result. However, breast implants placed over the muscle often sag more as time passes and the aging process plays its part.

    For a woman who desires larger implants than her breast tissue can cover, placement under the muscle can provide the most natural-looking augmentation result. Generally speaking, submuscular implants are better supported and less prone to sagging over time.

    Breast Augmentation Before and After

    While many women want much bigger breasts, it is often best to seek a moderate increase in size. Increase your bust by a maximum of two cup sizes – more than that may produce an unnatural result. And “the bigger they are, the faster they sag,” seems to be a good rule of thumb for breast implants.

    Below are before-and-after breast augmentation photos of a B-cup increasing to a D-cup:breast-augmentation-afterbreast-augmentation-before

    As you can see, the result looks natural and very sexy!

    Cost of Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation can vary in price from $4,500 to $10,000 or more. There are a variety of factors to take into consideration, including the area of the country where you live, the reputation and experience of the doctor, and the type of procedure you choose.

    Make sure your doctor is a board certified plastic surgeon who is experienced and has a good reputation. As is the case with butt implants, don’t hesitate to speak with other patients to get a feel for whether or not they are satisfied with their breast enhancement before proceeding.

    Breast Augmentation Recovery: What to Expect

    If you have your breast implants placed over your chest muscle, the recovery time will usually be shorter and less painful than if you have your implants placed under the muscle. If your breast augmentation is combined with a breast lift, the overall recuperation time will be longer.

    You may experience swelling for as long as three or four months after breast augmentation surgery. Drinking plenty of water, reducing salt intake and doing some form of light exercise can help to reduce swelling.

    You will also most likely experience some bruising after your breast enlargement surgery, but this will gradually go away. Certain herbal remedies may help to get rid of the discoloration.

    Sleeping can be difficult right after your breast augmentation. You’ll be forced to sleep on your back in a sitting position in order to reduce swelling and pain.

    You will not be able to take a shower until your incisions are healed and the doctor has removed your sutures (usually about a week after). You probably won’t be able to wash your hair because raising your hands over your head is not recommended for at least a week.

    Walking around as soon as you feel you are able can help speed your recovery from breast implant surgery. However, do not engage in any strenuous activities for at least three to four weeks after your surgery.

    You may notice a lack of sensitivity in your nipples and the surrounding skin after your breast enhancement surgery. This numbness usually goes away within a few weeks. In rare cases, unfortunately, loss of sensation in the nipple area can be permanent.

    Under normal breast augmentation surgery recovery, sensation gradually returns to your nipples and you may experience itching, tingling and prickling. You will experience these sensations for several weeks as nerve function returns. Over a period of months, your breasts will return to feeling normal again.

    (published December 23, 2010)