• HEALTH NEWS: The Best Nutrition Websites

    Thursday, March 6th, 2025

    by Sally Rogers, Dietitian

    articles-on-nutritionWhen you are in need of useful health information, good nutrition websites can be an invaluable resource for diet and nutrition tips. Perhaps you need to know the nutritional content of a particular food, or are looking for a healthy low-fat recipe for dinner? The top nutrition websites can answer questions like these, and many more.

    A good nutrition website should have discussion forums, where people can share opinions and get health advice. Nutrition message boards serve as an important means of support because you can exchange ideas with others who have experience with your particular problem or issue.

    Nutritional support online can be a good way to find the best diet for your particular needs. Most of us know what foods we should be eating, but developing proper eating habits is still difficult. The current obesity epidemic can be tied directly to a lack of good nutrition education.

    Nutrition Information Online

    There is an abundance of information about diet and nutrition available online. The internet gives you access to many reputable health websites with articles on nutrition, often written by nutritionists or licensed medical professionals.

    If you do an internet search for health or nutrition, you will be given a wide selection of websites to choose from. Finding reputable health websites with information you can trust involves spending time reading the different articles and comparing them with those on other health sites. Listed below are several you may want to check out:

    • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics provides answers to some of the most basic nutrition questions. The site also includes a Nutrition Tip of the Day, as well as a variety of educational topics dealing with nutrition.
    • For the latest information on diabetes, as well as dietary and lifestyle tips, the American Diabetes Association website is a great resource. Their Stop Diabetes campaign supports research, advocacy and community outreach and tells the world to take a stand against this devastating disease.
    • An informative site for information on eating disorders, Eating Disorder Awareness and Prevention provides individuals with information on the warning signs and symptoms of eating disorders, as well as how to help someone who is struggling with this affliction.
    • For the latest information on sports nutrition, the American College of Sports Medicine website is the place to go. The American College of Sports Medicine seeks to advance and integrate scientific research in order to provide educational and practical applications for exercise science and sports medicine.
    • For those individuals who wish to eliminate meat from their diet, the Vegetarian Resource Group has a website dedicated to the vegetarian diet. Get important tips and information on how to follow a vegetarian diet for better health.
    • Supported by Columbia University, Go Ask Alice is a service to the community, providing answers to health-related questions. The site is supported by a team of Columbia University health professionals, health promotion specialists, health care providers, as well as a staff of information and research specialists and writers. Members of the team have advanced degrees in public health, health education, medicine, counseling, and many other relevant fields.

    Health Information Sources

    There are also videos on proper nutrition available online, which makes them another good and free source of health information for you and your family. For example, if you want to start an exercise program, a video demonstration of how to perform the exercises properly can be very helpful.

    Finding accurate and timely information on good nutrition websites can be a great way to improve your family’s health and well-being. The best health websites will offer ways to exchange opinions with others, and you can get important questions answered via online health discussion boards.

    A good online nutrition discussion group can serve as a diet support group in your quest to lose weight. Many other individuals have the same health concerns, and the support of others can bolster your willpower. Topics like nutrition zone are often discussed in detail.

    Nutrition Magazines

    nutrition-magazineWhen it comes to nutrition information, the internet provides several important advantages. Nevertheless, many people prefer to read health magazines and get their information in a more “traditional” way.

    Magazines on nutrition usually contain a variety of articles on healthy eating, including delicious recipes for you to try. There may also be a section with nutrition charts and calorie-counting so that you can manage your weight more effectively and (hopefully) take off the weight for good.

    Regardless of the method you choose, the fact that you are making an effort to improve your health through diet, exercise and proper nutrition is something to feel good about.

    Nutrition websites will allow you to find the information you need quickly, while health magazines will give you a more traditional means of learning about nutrient-rich foods that you can prepare for your entire family.

    (published August 2, 2011)