• Ask the Plastic Surgeon: What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    Friday, March 7th, 2025

    by Dr. Johnny Franco, Cosmetic Surgeon

    Butt augmentation is the fasting growing cosmetic procedure in the United States at present!

    The reasons for this popularity go far beyond Kim Kardashian and the “curvy” appearance that she has made so popular in recent years.

    Why is the Brazilian Butt Lift So Popular?

    The Brazilian Butt Lift has gained popularity over the past several years for several reasons.

    The first is that patients can have a dramatic change in their entire shape. The idea behind the Brazilian Butt Lift is that it improves the entire shape of an individual no just enhancing the size of the buttock.

    The limitation of buttock implants is that they increase the size of the butt, but do not change the waist or overall form on the individual. With the Brazilian Butt Lift the body can be sculpted to more of an hourglass shape.

    The second reason that it has become so popular is that it allows your surgeon to augment your buttock with your own body fat. This avoids the use of implants or any foreign material.

    The use of your own body fat avoids the need for the implants to be removed or exchanged in the future.

    What is a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    The Brazilian Butt Lift is where a person’s own fat is used to augment their buttock.

    Liposculpting is performed typically on the flanks, abdomen and back, then the fat that was harvested is used to shape, augment and lift the butt.

    The fat is strategically removed from areas to accentuate a woman’s curves and transform them from a square appearance to more of an hourglass shape.

    The fat can be used to augment the buttock and hips depending on the individual patient’s needs and desires.

    How is the Procedure Performed?

    The procedure begins with liposuction of the abdomen, back and flanks and other areas depending on the individual patient and the amount of fat needed for the augmentation.

    During the liposuction (fat harvesting) the midsection is shaped to augment the buttock and decrease the size of the waist.

    The fat is then processed to remove the excess fluid, oil and bad fat, thus the best fat can be used to for the augmentation. Once the fat is processed, it is transferred to small syringes so that it can be transferred in small aliquots.

    The fat is then transferred to the buttock in small, even smooth injections. This process of multiple passes allows the surgeon to sculpt and shape the butt. This procedure gives the surgeon incredible control in shaping a woman’s buttock.

    Who is a Good Candidate?

    The majority of women are good candidates for this procedure if they are in good health overall.

    Many people have the misconception that this procedure is only for the South Beach crowd here in Miami and that is not true at all.

    The majority of my patients are working professionals that just want to look good in a dress, evening gown or for their wedding.

    Typically if patients have a BMI (body mass index) above 22 they will have an enough fat for the procedure. If they are below this then they may need an augmentation with implants.

    Brazilian Butt Lift: Before and After Results

    Patients will see a dramatic difference day one after their surgery! As with any surgery they will be extremely swollen in the buttock area for the first several weeks, but that will slowly resolve itself.


    Here is another before and after photo of the Brazilian Butt Lift results:


    Here is a video explaining the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure:

    The results of the patient above show the transformation that is possible with the procedure. She has had the fat removed from her waist, abdomen and flanks to improve their overall contour.


    It is not surprising that butt augmentation procedures (Brazilian Butt Lift) grew by 58% this past year in the U.S.

    As people become more familiar with the procedure and the incredible results that are possible it will continue to grow in popularity.

    It already has become the number one procedure in my practice here in Miami.

    (published January 28, 2015)

    dr-johnny-franco-miami-plastic-surgeonJohnny Franco, M.D., earned his Doctorate of Medicine from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. Dr. Franco served his residency in Plastic Surgery at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, finishing as head resident. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Dr. Franco has become part of the team of cosmetic surgeons at Miami Plastic Surgery, where you can get more information on the Brazilian Butt Lift. You may email Dr. Franco directly at [email protected].