• Ask the Doctors: Facial Rejuvenation Procedures

    Thursday, March 27th, 2025

    by John Smoot, M.D., Wendell Smoot, M.D., Carol Hollan, M.D. and Reza Sadrian, M.D.


    Question: My husband and I have both been contemplating facial rejuvenation procedures. Can you explain what the difference is regarding the aging process between men and women?

    Answer: Couples plastic surgery has been an emerging trend over the past few years; many couples find the plastic surgery experience to be more enjoyable if they schedule their procedures together and convalesce at the same time.

    Encountering a renewed sense of youth and vitality simultaneously can enhance the increase in self-esteem for both parties that often results from these types of restorative procedures.

    Being in a committed relationship often leads to growing old together, but men and women often experience differences during the aging process.

    Signs of aging typically are most prevalent on the face, and the appearance of wrinkles will depend largely on the sex of the individual.

    Men are more prone to develop forehead wrinkles, whereas women will generally experience fine lines around the eyes (commonly referred to as “crow’s feet”) and/or around the mouth, often referred to as “laugh lines.”

    Women are also prone to sagging skin around the neck, whereas men will often see their chins diminish over time.

    For men, one remedy for a diminished chin is a chin implant procedure, which will restore the definition of the jaw line.

    Women who have loose skin around the neck can benefit from a neck lift, which tightens the skin specifically in this area.

    Both sexes can benefit from facelifts, which are often combined with neck lifts and chin implants to achieve the desired results.

    A less-invasive option to remedy facial wrinkles can be achieved through the application of Botox injections or dermal fillers.

    The location and amount of product utilized through injection delivery will vary per individual, but there is a significantly reduced amount of recovery time compared to plastic surgery procedures.

    Participating in the rejuvenation process as a couple can be a meaningful and rewarding experience.

    It’s very important that each partner undergo individual consultations to determine appropriate procedures that address different aspects of the face that vary between genders.

    As always, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon prior to undergoing any treatment for optimum results.

    (published June 17, 2013)

    smoot-sadrian-hollans-smoot-cosmetic-surgeonsJohn Smoot, MD, is Chief of Plastic Surgery at Scripps Memorial Hospital-La Jolla, California and Wendell Smoot, MD, has been voted by his peers as Top Doctor in San Diego for five consecutive years. Carol Hollan, MD, is San Diego’s first female board-certified plastic surgeon while Reza Sadrian, MD, is one of very few plastic surgeons dually certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery as well as oral and maxillofacial surgery. The practice has over 20 years of tenure in the industry and each is individually board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Any of the physicians can provide consultations on plastic surgery procedures and/or laser and skincare treatments at their Laser and Skincare Center and can be reached at their offices on the campus of Scripps Memorial Hospital-La Jolla, CA in the Ximed Medical Building at (858) 587-9850 or via the web at sandiegoplasticsurgeryclinic.com.