• Health Resources: Articles on Nutrition

    Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

    by Mary Perkins, Nutritionist

    If you are looking for health information for yourself or your family, articles on nutrition can be a big help. The current obesity epidemic shows no sign of abating, which means that you need to educate yourself on fitness and diet for wellness.

    articles-on-nutritionIn many countries of the world, proper eating has become a priority for the society. Unfortunately, in other nations, there is a lack of understanding about proper nutrition and eating habits. This is where the internet can serve as a helpful source for nutrition articles to improve your health and well-being.

    If you do an internet search, you can find a lot of websites with information about proper nutrition. By eating certain diet foods, you may be able to lose weight and improve your health. In the case of individuals with certain health conditions like Type 2 diabetes, proper nutrition advice is vital.

    If you are diabetic, you may have already consulted with a nutritionist about natural diabetes remedies. But sticking with a strict diet plan can be difficult. Articles on nutrition can help you to learn about alternative health remedies.

    Where to Find the Best Nutrition Articles

    Let’s imagine that you don’t have enough money to pay for a licensed nutritionist, but still want to to lose a lot of weight and keep it off. In this situation, you could search for an informative article on the best diets for weight loss. Articles about nutrition on the web are a good way to get expert health advice for free.

    Perhaps you are not sure what kind of food to give your children. Kids can sometimes be picky eaters, so it might be hard to find food that they will like to eat. Luckily, the internet has lots of good info about nutrition for kids. Websites that specialize in child nutrition often have recipes and games that make staying healthy fun and enjoyable.

    For example, perhaps you are trying to make your own baby food that is healthier than baby food in a jar. By using a recipe that you found in an article on the web, you can make delicious and healthy baby food that costs less than in stores. A little bit of effort and initiative can go a long way in improving your family’s health.

    Health Information from Top Health Websites

    If you want to learn more about healthy living and proper nutrition, articles on a variety of topics are easily available on the internet. You can find info about child nutrition, fitness, exercise, diabetes and many more health topics. Many nutrition websites have nutritionists on staff who can give you great health advice.

    Other good sources of health information are weight loss forums and message boards where people are writing about their experiences and exchanging ideas. Often the best suggestions about diet and weight loss come from individuals who have tried a variety of diets and can tell you from their own experiences what works and what doesn’t.

    The internet is in many ways the best health resource available. If you need good articles on nutrition, you should be able to find something written by a dietitian with professional qualifications. Make sure you read a variety of health articles and visit several health websites in order to get the exact information you need.

    Additional Nutrition Resources

    • The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) is a leading resource for global nutrition information. Located in the National Agricultural Library (NAL) of the United States Department of Agriculture, the FNIC website contains over 2500 links to current and reliable nutrition information.
    • The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) is the world’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. It was formerly known as the American Dietetic Association.
    • Sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, the Centers for Disease Control, and the National Institutes of Health, FoodSafety.gov provides information on food safety, food poisoning, inspections and compliance, imports and exports, and educational materials including podcasts and videos.
    • Providing easy, online access to government information on food and human nutrition for consumers, Nutrition.gov is a service of the National Agricultural Library, part of the United States Department of Agriculture.
    • With the ChooseMyPlate.gov Supertracker, you can create your own personalized nutrition and physical activity plan, then keep track of your foods and physical activities to see how they stack up. Finally, get tips and support to help you make healthier choices and plan ahead.

    As you can see, there is a multitude of resources available for information on better nutrition. If you take your time to do your research, you can educate yourself on how to make healthier food choices. The result is better health for you and for your family.

    (published July 31, 2011)