• Get Slim with the Easy 3 Day Diet Plan!

    Tuesday, March 18th, 2025

    by Helen Hayes, Diet Counselor

    3-day-diet-planSometimes called the Cleveland Clinic Diet, the 3 Day Diet Plan is an eating regimen that must be followed exactly as instructed for three days at a time. After 3 days of dieting, a person can return to normal eating habits for several days before repeating the 3 day diet again as needed.

    This popular diet promises renewed energy and quick weight loss due to a unique metabolic reaction. By speeding up the body’s metabolism, rapid weight loss can be achieved.

    3 Day Diet Plan to Lose 10 Pounds

    The 3 Day Diet is a very specific eating plan that must be rigorously followed. Food portions must be eaten exactly as specified. If dieters overeat, the potential 10 pound weight loss will not be achieved.

    The Three Day Diet can be repeated indefinitely, as long as participants eat normally for 4 to 5 days between periods of 3-day-dieting. The purpose of returning to normal eating is to keep the body’s metabolism from slowing down too much.

    The consumption of recommended foods in this diet plan combine to form a unique metabolic reaction and thus boost fat burning. In addition to a strict daily food regimen, only water or no-calorie drinks are allowed while on the 3 day diet.

    3 Day Diet Menu Plans:

    Day One


    Tea or Coffee, no-cal sweeteners only

    Orange Juice or Half a Grapefruit

    One piece of wheat toast with small amount of peanut butter


    Tuna packed in water, one-half cup

    One piece of wheat toast

    Tea or Coffee , no-cal sweeteners only


    Lean beef or chicken, three ounces

    Green beans, one cup

    Carrots, one cup

    Apple, one whole

    Ice Cream, one-half cup

    Day Two


    Tea or Coffee, no-cal sweeteners only

    One Egg, boiled or poached

    Half a Banana

    One piece of toast


    Cottage Cheese or Tuna, one cup

    Saltine Crackers, ten single


    Hot Dogs, two

    Cabbage or Broccoli, one cup

    Carrots, one cup

    Half a Banana

    Ice Cream, one-half cup

    Day Three


    Tea or Coffee, no-cal sweeteners only

    Saltine Crackers, five single

    Cheddar Cheese, one ounce

    Apple, one whole


    Tea or Coffee, no-cal sweeteners only

    One Egg, boiled or poached

    One piece of toast


    Tuna in water, one cup

    Carrots, one cup

    Cauliflower, one cup

    Melon, one cup

    Ice Cream, one-half cup

    A Low Carbohydrate Diet

    weight-loss-scaleBecause the 3 Day Diet Plan is low in carbohydrates, weight loss in the beginning will mostly come from loss of water weight. This is because carbohydrates make your body retain water.

    But 3 day diet plan reviews point out that the diet needs to be repeated a few times in order to benefit from its metabolism-boosting effects. Repetition of the three day diet provides the body a chance to develop a fat-burning metabolism. Kirstie Alley lost weight using a similar method.

    Vegetarians who have tried the three day diet plan report good results. By substituting a variety of delicious vegetables to create their own 3 day diet plan menus, they have been able to make losing weight a more enjoyable experience.

    What do Nutritionists Think of the 3-Day Diet?

    Although you are likely to lose weight on this diet plan, it may not last without a commitment to improved eating habits and regular exercise. A typical 3 day diet involves eating approximately one thousand calories a day.

    While this will lower your metabolism, the diet won’t help you learn better eating habits for the long run. Some nutritionists feel that the 3 Day Diet is not supportive of a healthier lifestyle, which means developing habits that are fundamental to healthy weight management.

    It may be better to choose a well-balanced diet plan that includes exercise, and lets you enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods in moderate amounts. To lose weight for the long term, it is important to address the eating habits that are responsible for your weight gain in the first place.

    (published October 20, 2010)


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